Más fábulas donde tu eres la luna y yo el sol y la moraleja es ninguno de los dos.

Mientras menos vida tengo, más mundos paralelos se forman.
Escribir es la mejor manera de mentir. Nunca me crea.

diciembre 26, 2010

What Type of Nerdfighter are You?
Your Result: You are a Writing-type Nerdfighter

Whether it's poetry, stories, or comic books, you like to put things down on paper. Writing means a lot to you. It's how you express yourself. You've also probably read one...or both of John's books :)

You are a Music-type Nerdfighter
You are a Nerdfighter In Denial
You are a Games-type Nerdfighter
You are a Science-type Nerdfighter
What Type of Nerdfighter are You?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz


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